Monday, April 30, 2012

An HVAC installer and a customer service representative both sprain their ankle...

(no this is not the start of a bad joke)...which one will return to modified duty sooner?

A.  The customer service representative
B.  The HVAC installer
C.  Neither because their employers only bring Injured Workers (IWs) back to work when they are "100%"
D.  Both have equal chances of returning to modified duty at the same time

The correct answer is D.  That is, if their employers have an effective modified duty program such as an ecovery Return to Wellness program.  Full duty releases may vary, but we're talking about modified duty.

Why don't the physical demands of the job make a difference?
You may think it is impossible for both of these IW's to return to modified duty at the same time based on what they are required to do in their occupations.  Wrong! The only true determining factors of when an IW will RTW are:
·  Restrictions
      If the physician does not release an IW to modified duty, there are few options an employer has, other than an IME, which may not be cost-effective. 
· Modified duty availability
      Availability of modified duty work can have the same positive impact on either IW, regardless of their occupation.  It also impacts claim costs in the same exact way.  Previous posts have indicated the importance of communicating available modified duty to physicians.  We've highlighted that physician's often don't release an IW to RTW because there is not modified duty work available.  If you have work that can accommodate restrictions, let the physician know!   

Consider the following scenario:

The HVAC installer's employer has an ecovery program and is able to accommodate modified duty. The IW returns to work without a loss of earnings and the IW's wage benefits are stopped. 

The CSR's employer does not have an ecovery program and requires the IW to be at 100% prior to returning to work.  The IW receives indemnity benefits for the duration of disability. 

As you can see, it does not matter what the IW's physical requirements of the pre-injury position are when the employer has a comprehensive RTW program. If the employer does not have a RTW program, we know they will remain out of work until full duty.

The ease of being able to accommodate restrictions may vary among occupations and industries. A comprehensive RTW program addresses these variations, and makes it just as easy to accommodate modified duty work for the heavy lifting employee as the sedentary employee. 

Contact your Eastern service team member or your insurance agent to find out how to start an ecovery Return to Wellness program today!

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